Insurance coverage gaps impacting type 1 diabetics

Insurance Gaps Costly For Those With Type 1 Diabetes

According to an article by U.S. News, those who suffer from type 1 diabetes and have private insurance experience more gaps in coverage and are at greater risk from complications. A study conducted at the University of Michigan reveals that many type 1 patients with private insurance experience 30 day gaps in coverage. Some even experience 30-60 day gaps, and those people were five times more likely to end up in a emergency room, hospital or urgent care, once they regained their coverage.

The study also revealed that patients in their 20s and 30s were more likely to have coverage gaps than those in their 40s, 50s and early 60s. Additionally, type 1 diabetes patients are facing an massive increase in the cost of insulin, having tripled in the past two decades.

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This study highlights the importance of stabilizing health care now for everyone, but especially those who are more greatly impacted by inconsistent health insurance. If, you’re like us and you’re tired of seeing diabetes steal peoples joy, join our team. We believe diabetes sucks and we’re fighting to see it cured. See you soon!


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