Charities We Support

We proudly support these local charities


5Pts Community Farm Market

Jennell Gordon

Norfolk SPCA

Strelitz Diabetes Research Center at EVMS

Food Bank of Southeastern VA

Lee's Friends

Park Place Community Life Center

Tidewater Winds

Holiday Angels for Children

McAllister Family

Primeplus Senior Center

Virginian-Pilot Joy Fund


5Pts Community Farm Market

Norfolk SPCA

Virginian-Pilot Joy Fund

Food Bank of Southeastern VA

Primeplus Senior Center

McAllister Family

Strelitz Diabetes Research Center at EVMS


5Pts Community Farm Market

Hope House

Norfolk SPCA

St Mary's Home For Kids

D'Art Center

Jr Achievement of Greater Hampton Roads

Park Place School

Strelitz Diabetes Research Center at EVMS

FoodBank of SE Virginia

Norfolk Public Library Foundation

Primeplus Norfolk Senior Center

The Dwelling Place

Cosmopolitan Diabetes Foundation

Working to make life better for millions of diabetics

The Cosmopolitan Diabetes Foundation is the charitable arm of Cosmopolitan International. It is the conduit through which contributions may flow from the public to those charitable activities supported by Cosmopolitan International members. It is a non-profit, non-stock corporation organized under the laws of Maryland and recognized by the IRS as a tax exempt organization under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code.

All contributions to the Cosmopolitan Diabetes Foundation qualify as tax deductions for income and estate tax purposes. Any organization which can show evidence that its funds remain dedicated to charitable, educational and scientific purposes is eligible to apply for grants. The Board of Directors of the Foundation makes decisions with respect to Foundation funds. This Board is elected by the membership of each Federation of Cosmopolitan International. Decisions are based upon the expressed intent of the donor and the needs of the Cosmopolitan International projects.