Our Causes

Diabetes is our Cause, and we aim to knock it out!
Cosmopolitan Club of Norfolk
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Club General Operations

0% Donated/$25,000 To Go

The Norfolk Cosmopolitan Club is very lucky to have a benevolent, honest, and heart-warming group of members. The Club operates within its own fundraising budget each year to organize volunteer events, travel to Federation (regional) and International conventions, and make donations to local charities including the Strelitz Diabetes Research Center at Eastern Virginia Medical School.

We hope you will find it in your hear to contribute to the Club’s operating fund. Doing so in excess of $1,000 will include for you a current year’s Club membership, invites to all Club events, plus make your heart swell with joy. We sincerely thank you for the consideration.

Cosmopolitan Club of Norfolk
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Strelitz Diabetes Research Center

60% Donated/$16,000 To Go

In 1985, the Norfolk Club, along with affiliates of the Capital Federation, helped spearhead the “Million Dollar Connection” to provide the million dollars of seed money needed to start a diabetes institute for research and treatment at Eastern Virginia Medical School (EVMS). Our very own First Citizen of Norfolk from 1958, the late Henry Clay Hofheimer, donated the first $25,000 towards the campaign. Now known as the EVMS Strelitz Diabetes Center (SDC), it has become a world renowned center for diabetes research and treatment thanks to the efforts of many in our community.

Today, the SDC consists of an international team of clinical providers, scientists and educators whose combined efforts and resources offers the highest-quality treatment and patient care for individuals with endocrine and metabolic disorders. Their efforts seek to prevent the debilitating complications of neuropathy and cardiovascular disease, and is committed to improving the quality of life for patients with diabetes and other metabolic disorders by developing innovative methods for treatment and diagnosis.

Diabetes is a life-changing diagnosis, but because of the SDC, it is not life ending. The Cosmopolitan Club of Norfolk remains steadfast in its commitment to support the SDC and has pledged to give $40,000 over the course of 10 years to support their cause, along with continual volunteer efforts of its members and affiliates. Contact a Cosmo today to learn more about how you can join the Club, raise awareness, and support our partnership with the Strelitz Diabetes Center at Eastern Virginia Medical School to end diabetes!

Cosmopolitan Club of Norfolk
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Local Charities

5% Donated/$47,300 To Go

Each year the Cosmopolitan Club of Norfolk Foundation contributes monetary donations to several local charities across Hampton Roads. Our Foundation Board determines the amount of each donation according to the need of the organization. We welcome you to join us in participating in this great cause.

Here are a few of the local charities that have received support from the Cosmopolitan Club of Norfolk Foundation.

  • 5Pts Community Farm Market
  • D’Art Center
  • Food Bank of Southeastern VA
  • Holiday Angels for Children
  • Hope House
  • Jennell Gordon
  • Jr Achievement of Greater Hampton Roads
  • Lee’s Friends
  • McAllister Family
  • Norfolk Public Library Foundation
  • Norfolk SPCA
  • Park Place Community Life Center
  • Primeplus Senior Center
  • St Mary’s Home For Kids
  • Strelitz Diabetes Research Center at EVMS
  • The Dwelling Place
  • Tidewater Winds
  • Virginian-Pilot Joy Fund
Cosmopolitan Club of Norfolk
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Finding A Cure For Diabetes

24% Donated/$3,800 To Go

Diabetes is manageable, not curable. Controlling blood sugar through diet, oral medications, or insulin is the main treatment. Regular screening for complications is also required. Even though it’s a common disease, unique care is required for every diabetic. Many diabetics live long and healthy lives. It’s helpful for diabetics and their families to know as much as possible about the most recent approaches, medical therapies, and healthy lifestyle choices.

Most Common Types of Diabetes:

  1. Type 2 Diabetes – a chronic condition that affects the way the body processes blood sugar (glucose). The body either doesn’t produce enough insulin or it resists insulin.
    1. Symptoms include increase thirst, frequent urination, hunger, fatigue, and blurred vision.
    2. Diet, exercise, medication, and insulin therapy are the treatments.
    3. Most common affects are individuals over the age of 40 years.
  2. Type 1 Diabetes – chronic condition in which the pancreas produces little or no insulin. This typically appears in adolescence.
    1. Symptoms include increase thirst, frequent urination, hunger, fatigue, and blurred vision.
    2. Maintaining normal blood sugar levels through regular monitoring, insulin therapy, diet, and exercise.
    3. Those affected the most are between the ages of 6 – 40 years old.

The Cosmopolitan Club of Norfolk remains steadfast in its commitment to fight against diabetes, along with continual volunteer efforts of its members and affiliates. Contact a Cosmo today to learn more about how you can join the Club, raise awareness, and support our partnership with the Strelitz Diabetes Center at Eastern Virginia Medical School and other worthy organizations to end diabetes!