Diabetes Awareness Month is Coming! from Bob White, Cosmopolitan International Vice President for Marketing
As most Cosmos know, November is “Diabetes Awareness Month” – an opportunity for every club and individual to let the world know who we are, what we do and even why we do it! Do something(s) very public this month.
Consider some of these ideas:
- Ask your local mayor, city council person, etc. to publicly recognize Diabetes Awareness Month or recognize your Cosmopolitan Club for its contribution to the community, and make it very newsworthy.
- Have an important diabetes expert (physician, research specialist, dietician, community leader impacted by diabetes, etc.) make a presentation at your regular club meeting or other special event and invite the entire public (using PSAs or personal invitations), public officials, and other community bigwigs.
- Ask your local media (radio, TV, newspaper) to run special diabetes topics and make it easy for them by producing some of your own content. Most newspapers will run articles in their lifestyle sections if you write the article for them. Topics could cover – Who are the Cosmos, Are you at Risk, Prevention, Type-1 vs Type-2, Prediabetes, Gestational Diabetes, Thanksgiving Recipes for Diabetics, Complications from Diabetes, Treatment & Care and whatever message you feel the need to impart.
- Have a special event and keep it simple, such as a “Dog Walk” to raise money for a Diabetes Alert Dog (D.A.D.), ask a liquor distributor to hold a beer or wine tasting and invite potential new members, visit a local endocrinology clinic and invite the media.
Most importantly: there are many other great ideas out there so share them with the rest of your Cosmo colleagues through your federation governor or all of our great governors!
- Art Brassard – adbrassard@skyvelocity.ca
- Russell Danstrom – rmdanstrom@hotmail.com
- Lavonne Hawking – Lavonnehawking@gmail.com
- Kelee Rasmussen – mikerz2857@hotmail.com
- Jim Schuh – gymshoe122064@gmail.com
- Judy Weitkemper – judyweitk@gmail.com
Do great things and let everyone know about it. No sense in keeping Cosmos a great secret!